These 4x6 inch planners feature about 80 weeks of hot, planning action - which for all you math-magicians out there, is roughly a year and a half if you use it non-stop. (Or if you are like me, it should last you a good 5 years or more - because I always put them somewhere dumb and don't find them again for a few months.) |
We take discarded old storybooks (lots of the ex-library copies) and give them new life as journals, jewelries and other fun gifts. We use as much as we possibly can from the books we chop so that they can be enjoyed for years to come, just in their new guise!
Our slogan is Renew Your Books! So inside each journal, you will find our own 'check-out card' just like in library books of days gone by. We've stamped it with the date the journal was made and we will stamp it for you on the date you purchase it.
Set of FOUR awesome matching coasters made DIRECTLY from the pages of a vintage story book! | | |
Overdue Industries on Etsy
Overdue Industries will be at Crafty Balboa Holiday!
December 4, 2010
11am to 5pm
315 South Broad Street
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